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Two Minute Tea Class - green

Steeping Tips For The Perfect Cuppa!

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Steeping the perfect cuppa is not necessarily an art but it's definitely helpful if you have a few tricks of the trade under your hat.

Green Tea Tip

For some it is a love/hate relationship. It doesn't have to be that way! Unfortunately most do not realize that water temperature and time is key to a perfect cup of tea. Do not, I repeat, DO NOT use boiling water.  This is what gives it the bitter taste that many say they don't like. Boiling water actually scalds the leaves.  Bring your water to a boil and let it sit for 5 minutes to bring down the temperature. Steep the leaves for 1-3 minutes, maximum. Try different steep times on your next few cups and you will find what works for you. Save your leaves too. A second infusion will render a different flavour profile. This applies to white teas as well.  

Below is a guideline for steeping the various types of teas.

The perfect cup depends on water quality and temperature. Always use freshly drawn cold water and never reheat water after boiling. The perfect cup will also depend greatly on your personal flavour and strength preference. Below are guidelines to brewing the perfect cup, however do not hesitate to experiment with your teas.

Black Teas: 1 tsp per 6oz cup. Steep 3-4 minutes in boiling water.

Green Teas: 1 tsp per 6oz cup. Steep 1-3 minutes in water that has not reached boiling point, 80 C.

Oolong Teas: 1tsp per 6oz cup. Steep 1-2 minutes in water below boiling but steaming, 95 C.

White Teas:1 tsp per 6oz cup. Steep 2-4 minutes in water that has not reached boiling point, 80 C.

Herbal Blends: 1 tsp per 6oz cup. Steep 5-7 minutes in boiling water. Cover while steeping for maximum health      benefits.

Rooibos: 1 tsp per 6oz cup. Steep 5-7 minutes in boiling water.

Yerba Mate: 1 tsp per 6oz cup. Bring water to a steam. Steep 2-5 minutes.

Fruit Tisanes: 1 tsp per 6oz cup. Steep 5-7 minutes in boiling water.

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